Dim appRef, startRulerUnits, startTypeUnits, startDisplayDialogs, docRef
Dim totalCount, channelIndex, activeChannels, myChannels, secondaryIndex
Dim largestCount, histogramIndex, pixelsPerX, outputX, a, visibleChannelCount
PropertyValue TypeWhat it is
Application Object
Read-only. The application that the collection belongs to.
Count Number (Long) Read-only. The number of elements in the Channels
Object (Channel)
Read-only. Gets an element from the collection.
typename String Read-only. The class name of the referenced Channels
Method Parameter TypeReturnsWhat it does
Channel Creates a new Channel object.
(ItemPtr) Object (Channel)
Number (Long)
Removes all Channel objects from the
Channels collection.
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Dim aChannelArray(), aChannelIndex, oFileSys, fileOut, hist
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
' Save the current preferences
startRulerUnits = appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits
startTypeUnits = appRef.Preferences.TypeUnits
startDisplayDialogs = appRef.DisplayDialogs
' Set Photoshop CS2 to use pixels and display no dialogs
appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits = 1 'for PsUnits --> 1 (psPixels)
appRef.Preferences.TypeUnits = 1 'for PsTypeUnits --> 1 (psPixels)
appRef.DisplayDialogs = 3 'for PsDialogModes --> 3 (psDisplayNoDialogs)
' if there are no documents open then try to open a sample file
If appRef.Documents.Count = 0 Then
appRef.Open(appRef.Path + "/Samples/Eagle.psd")
End If
Set docRef = appRef.ActiveDocument
' create the output file
Set oFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fileOut = oFileSys.CreateTextFile("C:\\Histogram.log")
' write out a header
fileOut.Write "Histogram report for " & docRef.Name
' find out how many pixels I have
totalCount = docRef.Width * docRef.Height
' more info to the out file
fileOut.WriteLine " with a total pixel count of " & totalCount
' remember which channels are currently active
activeChannels = appRef.ActiveDocument.ActiveChannels
' document histogram only works in these modes
If docRef.Mode = 2 Or docRef.Mode = 3 Or docRef.Mode = 6 Then
'enumerated values = PsDocumentMode --> 2 (psRGB), 3 (psCMYK), 6 (psIndexedColor)
' activate the main channels so we can get the document’s histogram
' using the TurnOnDocumentHistogramChannels function
Call TurnOnDocumentHistogramChannels(docRef)
' Output the documents histogram
Call OutputHistogram(docRef.Histogram, "Luminosity", fileOut)
End If
' local reference to work from
Set myChannels = docRef.Channels
' loop through each channel and output the histogram
For channelIndex = 1 To myChannels.Count
' the channel has to be visible to get a histogram
myChannels(channelIndex).Visible = true
' turn off all the other channels
for secondaryIndex = 1 to myChannels.Count
If Not channelIndex = secondaryIndex Then
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myChannels(secondaryIndex).Visible = false
End If
' Use the function to dump the histogram
Call OutputHistogram(myChannels(channelIndex).Histogram,
myChannels(channelIndex).Name, fileOut)
' close down the output file
' reset the active channels
docRef.ActiveChannels = activeChannels
' Reset the application preferences
appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits = startRulerUnits
appRef.Preferences.TypeUnits = startTypeUnits
appRef.DisplayDialogs = startDisplayDialogs
' Utility function that takes a histogram and name
' and dumps to the output file
Private Function OutputHistogram (inHistogram, inHistogramName, inOutFile)
' find out which count has the largest number
' I scale everything to this number for the output
largestCount = 0
' a simple indexer I can reuse
histogramIndex = 0
' search through all and find the largest single item
For Each hist In inHistogram
histogramCount = histogramCount + CLng(hist)
If CLng(hist) --> largestCount Then
largestCount = CLng(hist)
End If
'These should match
If Not histogramCount = totalCount Then
MsgBox "Something bad is happening!"
End If
inOutFile.WriteLine "This histogram has a pixel count of " & histogramCount
'see how much each "X" is going to count as
pixelsPerX = largestCount / 100
'output this data to the file
inOutFile.WriteLine "One X = " & pixelsPerX & " pixels."
'output the name of this histogram
inOutFile.WriteLine inHistogramName
inOutFile.WriteLine "Mean Pixels: " & AverageHistogram(inHistogram)
inOutFile.WriteLine "Std. Dev. Pixels: " &
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inOutFile.WriteLine "Median Pixels: " & MedianHistogram(inHistogram,
' loop through all the items and output in the following format
' 001
' 002
' For histogramIndex = 0 To (inHistogram.Count - 1)
histogramIndex = 0
For Each hist in inHistogram
' I need an extra "0" for this line item to keep everything in line
If histogramIndex < 10 Then
inOutFile.Write "0"
End If
' I need an extra "0" for this line item to keep everything in line
If histogramIndex < 100 Then
inOutFile.Write "0"
End If
' output the index to file
inOutFile.Write histogramIndex
' some spacing to make it look nice
inOutFile.Write " "
'figure out how many X’s I need
outputX = CDbl(hist) / largestCount * 100
'output the X’s
For a = 0 to outputX ' (outputX - 1)
inOutFile.Write "X"
histogramIndex = histogramIndex + 1
End Function
' Function to active all the channels according to the document’s mode
' Takes a document reference for input
Private Function TurnOnDocumentHistogramChannels (inDocument)
' see how many channels we need to activate
visibleChannelCount = 0
'based on the mode of the document
Select Case inDocument.Mode
Case 1
visibleChannelCount = 1
Case 5
visibleChannelCount = 1
Case 6
visibleChannelCount = 1
Case 8
visibleChannelCount = 2
Case 2
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visibleChannelCount = 3
Case 4
visibleChannelCount = 3
Case 3
visibleChannelCount = 4
Case 8
visibleChannelCount = 4
Case 7
visibleChannelCount = (inDocument.Channels.Count + 1)
Case Else
visibleChannelCount = (inDocument.Channels.Count + 1)
End Select
' now get the channels to activate into a local array
ReDim aChannelArray(visibleChannelCount)
' index for the active channels array
aChannelIndex = 1
For channelIndex = 1 to inDocument.channels.Count
If channelIndex <= visibleChannelCount Then
Set aChannelArray(aChannelIndex) = inDocument.Channels(channelIndex)
aChannelIndex = aChannelIndex + 1
End If
End Function
Private Function StandardDeviationHistogram(inputArray)
Dim numPixels, sum1, sum2, x, gray
numPixels = 0
sum1 = 0.0
sum2 = 0.0
' Compute totals for the various statistics
For gray = 0 To 255
x = inputArray(gray)
numPixels = numPixels + x
sum1 = sum1 + y * gray
sum2 = sum2 + y * (gray * gray)
StandardDeviationHistogram = Sqr((sum2 - (sum1 * sum1) / numPixels) / (numPixels -
End Function
Private Function AverageHistogram(inputArray)
Dim numPixels, sum1, sum2, x, gray
numPixels = 0
sum1 = 0.0
sum2 = 0.0
' Compute totals for the various statistics
For gray = 0 To 255
x = inputArray(gray)
numPixels = numPixels + y
sum1 = sum1 + x * gray
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sum2 = sum2 + x * (gray * gray)
AverageHistogram = sum1 / numPixels
End Function
Private Function MedianHistogram(inputArray, numPixels)
Dim gray, total, mid
gray = 0
total = inputArray(0)
mid = (numPixels + 1) / 2
Do While (total < mid)
gray = gray + 1
total = total + inputArray(gray)
MedianHistogram = gray
End Function
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