Basic Input Output System atau lebih dikenal dengan BIOS merupakan program yang disimpan didalam IC yang tertanam pada motherboard yang berfungsi untuk menginisialisasi perangkat keras yang terhubung pada komputer. BIOS juga berperan untuk untuk memberi tanda jika ada permasalahan pada perangkat keras pada saat komputer pertama kali dinyalakan, atau proses ini biasa disebut dengan POST.
Macam - macam BIOS Komputer:
AMI BIOS adalah BIOS yang dikembangkan oleh Megatrends Amerika. AMI BIOS adalah BIOS Firmware paling populer untuk PC
Kode Beep pada AMI BIOS:
1x = RAM mengalami masalah
2x = Sirkuit gagal mengecek keseimbangan DRAM Parity (sistem memori)
3x = Kegagalan memori pada 64 KB pertama
4x = Timer pada sistem gagal bekerja
5x = CPU Error atau motherboard tidak dapat menjalankan prosessor
6x = Controller pada keyboardtidak dapat berjalan dengan baik
7x = Vido Mode Error
8x = Tes Mmori VGA gagal
9x = Checksum error ROM BIOS bermasalah
10x = CMOS Shutdown resd/write mengalami masalah
11x = Chache memori error
1 beep panjang dan 3 beep pendek = Extended memori rusak
1 beep panjang dan 8 beep pendek = Tes tampilan gambar gagal
2. Awards BIOS
Kode Kesalahan pada Awards BIOS
1 beep panjang dan 2 beep pendek = Video error
1x beep panjang = kesalahan RAM
1x panjang dan 2x beep pendek = VGA Rusak
1x panjang dan 3x beep pendek = Keyboard rusak
Beep tak terputus = RAM atau Grafik tidak terpasang
3. Phoenix BIOS
Kode kesalahan pada Phoenix BIOS:
1x - 1x - 4x = BIOS rusak
1x - 2x - 1x = Motherboard rusak
1x - 3x - 1x = RAM mengalami kerusakan
3x - 1x - 1x = Motherboard rusak
3x - 3x - 4x = VGA mengalami kerusakan
Untuk masuk ke menu BIOS pada komputer umumnya dengan menekan tombol DELETE pada saat komputer pertama dinyalakan, jika langkah ini tidak berhasil anda bisa menggunakan perintah lain sesuai dengan BIOS yang terpasang pada komputer anda. contohnya: F2 ataupun ESC.
Semoga artikel sederhana ini bisa bermanfaat.....
Minggu, 29 Desember 2013
Kamis, 26 Desember 2013
Histogram Vbs
Dim appRef, startRulerUnits, startTypeUnits, startDisplayDialogs, docRef
Dim totalCount, channelIndex, activeChannels, myChannels, secondaryIndex
Dim largestCount, histogramIndex, pixelsPerX, outputX, a, visibleChannelCount
PropertyValue TypeWhat it is
Application Object
Read-only. The application that the collection belongs to.
Count Number (Long) Read-only. The number of elements in the Channels
Object (Channel)
Read-only. Gets an element from the collection.
typename String Read-only. The class name of the referenced Channels
Method Parameter TypeReturnsWhat it does
Channel Creates a new Channel object.
(ItemPtr) Object (Channel)
Number (Long)
Removes all Channel objects from the
Channels collection.
Adobe Photoshop CS2
VBScript Scripting Reference VBScript Interface 42
Dim aChannelArray(), aChannelIndex, oFileSys, fileOut, hist
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
' Save the current preferences
startRulerUnits = appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits
startTypeUnits = appRef.Preferences.TypeUnits
startDisplayDialogs = appRef.DisplayDialogs
' Set Photoshop CS2 to use pixels and display no dialogs
appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits = 1 'for PsUnits --> 1 (psPixels)
appRef.Preferences.TypeUnits = 1 'for PsTypeUnits --> 1 (psPixels)
appRef.DisplayDialogs = 3 'for PsDialogModes --> 3 (psDisplayNoDialogs)
' if there are no documents open then try to open a sample file
If appRef.Documents.Count = 0 Then
appRef.Open(appRef.Path + "/Samples/Eagle.psd")
End If
Set docRef = appRef.ActiveDocument
' create the output file
Set oFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fileOut = oFileSys.CreateTextFile("C:\\Histogram.log")
' write out a header
fileOut.Write "Histogram report for " & docRef.Name
' find out how many pixels I have
totalCount = docRef.Width * docRef.Height
' more info to the out file
fileOut.WriteLine " with a total pixel count of " & totalCount
' remember which channels are currently active
activeChannels = appRef.ActiveDocument.ActiveChannels
' document histogram only works in these modes
If docRef.Mode = 2 Or docRef.Mode = 3 Or docRef.Mode = 6 Then
'enumerated values = PsDocumentMode --> 2 (psRGB), 3 (psCMYK), 6 (psIndexedColor)
' activate the main channels so we can get the document’s histogram
' using the TurnOnDocumentHistogramChannels function
Call TurnOnDocumentHistogramChannels(docRef)
' Output the documents histogram
Call OutputHistogram(docRef.Histogram, "Luminosity", fileOut)
End If
' local reference to work from
Set myChannels = docRef.Channels
' loop through each channel and output the histogram
For channelIndex = 1 To myChannels.Count
' the channel has to be visible to get a histogram
myChannels(channelIndex).Visible = true
' turn off all the other channels
for secondaryIndex = 1 to myChannels.Count
If Not channelIndex = secondaryIndex Then
Adobe Photoshop CS2
VBScript Scripting Reference VBScript Interface 43
myChannels(secondaryIndex).Visible = false
End If
' Use the function to dump the histogram
Call OutputHistogram(myChannels(channelIndex).Histogram,
myChannels(channelIndex).Name, fileOut)
' close down the output file
' reset the active channels
docRef.ActiveChannels = activeChannels
' Reset the application preferences
appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits = startRulerUnits
appRef.Preferences.TypeUnits = startTypeUnits
appRef.DisplayDialogs = startDisplayDialogs
' Utility function that takes a histogram and name
' and dumps to the output file
Private Function OutputHistogram (inHistogram, inHistogramName, inOutFile)
' find out which count has the largest number
' I scale everything to this number for the output
largestCount = 0
' a simple indexer I can reuse
histogramIndex = 0
' search through all and find the largest single item
For Each hist In inHistogram
histogramCount = histogramCount + CLng(hist)
If CLng(hist) --> largestCount Then
largestCount = CLng(hist)
End If
'These should match
If Not histogramCount = totalCount Then
MsgBox "Something bad is happening!"
End If
inOutFile.WriteLine "This histogram has a pixel count of " & histogramCount
'see how much each "X" is going to count as
pixelsPerX = largestCount / 100
'output this data to the file
inOutFile.WriteLine "One X = " & pixelsPerX & " pixels."
'output the name of this histogram
inOutFile.WriteLine inHistogramName
inOutFile.WriteLine "Mean Pixels: " & AverageHistogram(inHistogram)
inOutFile.WriteLine "Std. Dev. Pixels: " &
Adobe Photoshop CS2
VBScript Scripting Reference VBScript Interface 44
inOutFile.WriteLine "Median Pixels: " & MedianHistogram(inHistogram,
' loop through all the items and output in the following format
' 001
' 002
' For histogramIndex = 0 To (inHistogram.Count - 1)
histogramIndex = 0
For Each hist in inHistogram
' I need an extra "0" for this line item to keep everything in line
If histogramIndex < 10 Then
inOutFile.Write "0"
End If
' I need an extra "0" for this line item to keep everything in line
If histogramIndex < 100 Then
inOutFile.Write "0"
End If
' output the index to file
inOutFile.Write histogramIndex
' some spacing to make it look nice
inOutFile.Write " "
'figure out how many X’s I need
outputX = CDbl(hist) / largestCount * 100
'output the X’s
For a = 0 to outputX ' (outputX - 1)
inOutFile.Write "X"
histogramIndex = histogramIndex + 1
End Function
' Function to active all the channels according to the document’s mode
' Takes a document reference for input
Private Function TurnOnDocumentHistogramChannels (inDocument)
' see how many channels we need to activate
visibleChannelCount = 0
'based on the mode of the document
Select Case inDocument.Mode
Case 1
visibleChannelCount = 1
Case 5
visibleChannelCount = 1
Case 6
visibleChannelCount = 1
Case 8
visibleChannelCount = 2
Case 2
Adobe Photoshop CS2
VBScript Scripting Reference VBScript Interface 45
visibleChannelCount = 3
Case 4
visibleChannelCount = 3
Case 3
visibleChannelCount = 4
Case 8
visibleChannelCount = 4
Case 7
visibleChannelCount = (inDocument.Channels.Count + 1)
Case Else
visibleChannelCount = (inDocument.Channels.Count + 1)
End Select
' now get the channels to activate into a local array
ReDim aChannelArray(visibleChannelCount)
' index for the active channels array
aChannelIndex = 1
For channelIndex = 1 to inDocument.channels.Count
If channelIndex <= visibleChannelCount Then
Set aChannelArray(aChannelIndex) = inDocument.Channels(channelIndex)
aChannelIndex = aChannelIndex + 1
End If
End Function
Private Function StandardDeviationHistogram(inputArray)
Dim numPixels, sum1, sum2, x, gray
numPixels = 0
sum1 = 0.0
sum2 = 0.0
' Compute totals for the various statistics
For gray = 0 To 255
x = inputArray(gray)
numPixels = numPixels + x
sum1 = sum1 + y * gray
sum2 = sum2 + y * (gray * gray)
StandardDeviationHistogram = Sqr((sum2 - (sum1 * sum1) / numPixels) / (numPixels -
End Function
Private Function AverageHistogram(inputArray)
Dim numPixels, sum1, sum2, x, gray
numPixels = 0
sum1 = 0.0
sum2 = 0.0
' Compute totals for the various statistics
For gray = 0 To 255
x = inputArray(gray)
numPixels = numPixels + y
sum1 = sum1 + x * gray
Adobe Photoshop CS2
VBScript Scripting Reference VBScript Interface 46
sum2 = sum2 + x * (gray * gray)
AverageHistogram = sum1 / numPixels
End Function
Private Function MedianHistogram(inputArray, numPixels)
Dim gray, total, mid
gray = 0
total = inputArray(0)
mid = (numPixels + 1) / 2
Do While (total < mid)
gray = gray + 1
total = total + inputArray(gray)
MedianHistogram = gray
End Function
Dim appRef, startRulerUnits, startTypeUnits, startDisplayDialogs, docRef
Dim totalCount, channelIndex, activeChannels, myChannels, secondaryIndex
Dim largestCount, histogramIndex, pixelsPerX, outputX, a, visibleChannelCount
PropertyValue TypeWhat it is
Application Object
Read-only. The application that the collection belongs to.
Count Number (Long) Read-only. The number of elements in the Channels
Object (Channel)
Read-only. Gets an element from the collection.
typename String Read-only. The class name of the referenced Channels
Method Parameter TypeReturnsWhat it does
Channel Creates a new Channel object.
(ItemPtr) Object (Channel)
Number (Long)
Removes all Channel objects from the
Channels collection.
Adobe Photoshop CS2
VBScript Scripting Reference VBScript Interface 42
Dim aChannelArray(), aChannelIndex, oFileSys, fileOut, hist
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
' Save the current preferences
startRulerUnits = appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits
startTypeUnits = appRef.Preferences.TypeUnits
startDisplayDialogs = appRef.DisplayDialogs
' Set Photoshop CS2 to use pixels and display no dialogs
appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits = 1 'for PsUnits --> 1 (psPixels)
appRef.Preferences.TypeUnits = 1 'for PsTypeUnits --> 1 (psPixels)
appRef.DisplayDialogs = 3 'for PsDialogModes --> 3 (psDisplayNoDialogs)
' if there are no documents open then try to open a sample file
If appRef.Documents.Count = 0 Then
appRef.Open(appRef.Path + "/Samples/Eagle.psd")
End If
Set docRef = appRef.ActiveDocument
' create the output file
Set oFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fileOut = oFileSys.CreateTextFile("C:\\Histogram.log")
' write out a header
fileOut.Write "Histogram report for " & docRef.Name
' find out how many pixels I have
totalCount = docRef.Width * docRef.Height
' more info to the out file
fileOut.WriteLine " with a total pixel count of " & totalCount
' remember which channels are currently active
activeChannels = appRef.ActiveDocument.ActiveChannels
' document histogram only works in these modes
If docRef.Mode = 2 Or docRef.Mode = 3 Or docRef.Mode = 6 Then
'enumerated values = PsDocumentMode --> 2 (psRGB), 3 (psCMYK), 6 (psIndexedColor)
' activate the main channels so we can get the document’s histogram
' using the TurnOnDocumentHistogramChannels function
Call TurnOnDocumentHistogramChannels(docRef)
' Output the documents histogram
Call OutputHistogram(docRef.Histogram, "Luminosity", fileOut)
End If
' local reference to work from
Set myChannels = docRef.Channels
' loop through each channel and output the histogram
For channelIndex = 1 To myChannels.Count
' the channel has to be visible to get a histogram
myChannels(channelIndex).Visible = true
' turn off all the other channels
for secondaryIndex = 1 to myChannels.Count
If Not channelIndex = secondaryIndex Then
Adobe Photoshop CS2
VBScript Scripting Reference VBScript Interface 43
myChannels(secondaryIndex).Visible = false
End If
' Use the function to dump the histogram
Call OutputHistogram(myChannels(channelIndex).Histogram,
myChannels(channelIndex).Name, fileOut)
' close down the output file
' reset the active channels
docRef.ActiveChannels = activeChannels
' Reset the application preferences
appRef.Preferences.RulerUnits = startRulerUnits
appRef.Preferences.TypeUnits = startTypeUnits
appRef.DisplayDialogs = startDisplayDialogs
' Utility function that takes a histogram and name
' and dumps to the output file
Private Function OutputHistogram (inHistogram, inHistogramName, inOutFile)
' find out which count has the largest number
' I scale everything to this number for the output
largestCount = 0
' a simple indexer I can reuse
histogramIndex = 0
' search through all and find the largest single item
For Each hist In inHistogram
histogramCount = histogramCount + CLng(hist)
If CLng(hist) --> largestCount Then
largestCount = CLng(hist)
End If
'These should match
If Not histogramCount = totalCount Then
MsgBox "Something bad is happening!"
End If
inOutFile.WriteLine "This histogram has a pixel count of " & histogramCount
'see how much each "X" is going to count as
pixelsPerX = largestCount / 100
'output this data to the file
inOutFile.WriteLine "One X = " & pixelsPerX & " pixels."
'output the name of this histogram
inOutFile.WriteLine inHistogramName
inOutFile.WriteLine "Mean Pixels: " & AverageHistogram(inHistogram)
inOutFile.WriteLine "Std. Dev. Pixels: " &
Adobe Photoshop CS2
VBScript Scripting Reference VBScript Interface 44
inOutFile.WriteLine "Median Pixels: " & MedianHistogram(inHistogram,
' loop through all the items and output in the following format
' 001
' 002
' For histogramIndex = 0 To (inHistogram.Count - 1)
histogramIndex = 0
For Each hist in inHistogram
' I need an extra "0" for this line item to keep everything in line
If histogramIndex < 10 Then
inOutFile.Write "0"
End If
' I need an extra "0" for this line item to keep everything in line
If histogramIndex < 100 Then
inOutFile.Write "0"
End If
' output the index to file
inOutFile.Write histogramIndex
' some spacing to make it look nice
inOutFile.Write " "
'figure out how many X’s I need
outputX = CDbl(hist) / largestCount * 100
'output the X’s
For a = 0 to outputX ' (outputX - 1)
inOutFile.Write "X"
histogramIndex = histogramIndex + 1
End Function
' Function to active all the channels according to the document’s mode
' Takes a document reference for input
Private Function TurnOnDocumentHistogramChannels (inDocument)
' see how many channels we need to activate
visibleChannelCount = 0
'based on the mode of the document
Select Case inDocument.Mode
Case 1
visibleChannelCount = 1
Case 5
visibleChannelCount = 1
Case 6
visibleChannelCount = 1
Case 8
visibleChannelCount = 2
Case 2
Adobe Photoshop CS2
VBScript Scripting Reference VBScript Interface 45
visibleChannelCount = 3
Case 4
visibleChannelCount = 3
Case 3
visibleChannelCount = 4
Case 8
visibleChannelCount = 4
Case 7
visibleChannelCount = (inDocument.Channels.Count + 1)
Case Else
visibleChannelCount = (inDocument.Channels.Count + 1)
End Select
' now get the channels to activate into a local array
ReDim aChannelArray(visibleChannelCount)
' index for the active channels array
aChannelIndex = 1
For channelIndex = 1 to inDocument.channels.Count
If channelIndex <= visibleChannelCount Then
Set aChannelArray(aChannelIndex) = inDocument.Channels(channelIndex)
aChannelIndex = aChannelIndex + 1
End If
End Function
Private Function StandardDeviationHistogram(inputArray)
Dim numPixels, sum1, sum2, x, gray
numPixels = 0
sum1 = 0.0
sum2 = 0.0
' Compute totals for the various statistics
For gray = 0 To 255
x = inputArray(gray)
numPixels = numPixels + x
sum1 = sum1 + y * gray
sum2 = sum2 + y * (gray * gray)
StandardDeviationHistogram = Sqr((sum2 - (sum1 * sum1) / numPixels) / (numPixels -
End Function
Private Function AverageHistogram(inputArray)
Dim numPixels, sum1, sum2, x, gray
numPixels = 0
sum1 = 0.0
sum2 = 0.0
' Compute totals for the various statistics
For gray = 0 To 255
x = inputArray(gray)
numPixels = numPixels + y
sum1 = sum1 + x * gray
Adobe Photoshop CS2
VBScript Scripting Reference VBScript Interface 46
sum2 = sum2 + x * (gray * gray)
AverageHistogram = sum1 / numPixels
End Function
Private Function MedianHistogram(inputArray, numPixels)
Dim gray, total, mid
gray = 0
total = inputArray(0)
mid = (numPixels + 1) / 2
Do While (total < mid)
gray = gray + 1
total = total + inputArray(gray)
MedianHistogram = gray
End Function
Senin, 23 Desember 2013
Pengertian dan Fungsi BIOS
BIOS atau Basic Input Output System adalah perangkat lunak yang berfungsi untukmengatur fungsi dasar dari komputer seperti identifikasi perangkat keras, pengujian perangkat keras, mengatur konfigurasi dasar komputer seperti tanggal, waktu dan lain-lain.
BIOS tersimpan pada chipset komputer yang tertanam pada motherboard dan diberi tenaga oleh sebuah bateray yang biasa disebut dengan CMOS yang berfungsi untuk menjaga pengaturan waktu dan tanggal juga settingan pada BIOS agar tidak hilang atau kembali ke pengaturan awal ketika komputer dimatikan.
Tugas BIOS:
BIOS juga berfungsi untuk pengaturan boot pada saat kita ingin melakukan instalasi ulang sistem operasi pada komputer. BIOS merupakan komponen yang sangat penting pada sistem komputer untuk menginisialisasi perangkat keras komputer dan dapat diinformasikan kepada pengguna.
Sekian artikel sederhana tentang BIOS, semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat .....
BIOS tersimpan pada chipset komputer yang tertanam pada motherboard dan diberi tenaga oleh sebuah bateray yang biasa disebut dengan CMOS yang berfungsi untuk menjaga pengaturan waktu dan tanggal juga settingan pada BIOS agar tidak hilang atau kembali ke pengaturan awal ketika komputer dimatikan.
Tugas BIOS:
- Pengujian perangkat keras pada saat komputer pertama kali dinyalakan atau biasa disebut dengan POST (Power On Self Test)
- Memuat dan menjalankan sistem operasi
- Mengatur konfigurasi dasar sistem komputer seperti pengaturan waktu, tanggal, booting dan lain-lain.
- Membantu Sistem Operasi dan aplikasi dalam proses perangkat keras dengan menggunakan BIOS Runtime Services
BIOS juga berfungsi untuk pengaturan boot pada saat kita ingin melakukan instalasi ulang sistem operasi pada komputer. BIOS merupakan komponen yang sangat penting pada sistem komputer untuk menginisialisasi perangkat keras komputer dan dapat diinformasikan kepada pengguna.
Sekian artikel sederhana tentang BIOS, semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat .....
Minggu, 22 Desember 2013
Konfigurasi Modem Venus
Setelah sebelumnya membahas tentang langkah instalasi modem venus, pada kesempatan ini saya akan berbagi tentang konfigurasi atau setting pada modem venus. Sebelum kita melakukan setting pada modem kita harus menetukan dulu kartu apa yang akan kita gunakan karena nantinya akan menentukan network atau jaringan dari operator mana yang akan kita gunakan.
Setelah semua telah terpasang, baik kartu sim card maupun modem yang sudah perpasang pada komputer. maka ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk melakukan setting pada modem venus.
1. Jalankan aplikasi modem venus, maka akan muncul seperti pada gambar dibawah ini.
2. Selanjutnya klik pada menu setting,
3. Setelah masuk menu setting, pilih DUN profile untuk setting jaringan sesuai dengan kartu yang anda gunakan. Anda tinggal memilih jenis layanan yang anda pakai, apakah menggunakan kartu flexi, smart, esia maupun star one kemudia pilih set as default.
4. Jika anda ingin menambahkan jenis layanan jaringan dari operator yang baru, anda bisa klik menu NEW untuk menambahkan konfigurasi yang baru.
5. Jika anda ingin setting dns maupun ip address, anda klik pilihan operator yang anda gunakan dan pilih advanced settings pada menu bagian bawah.
Semoga artikel sederhana ini bisa bermanfaat ...
Setelah semua telah terpasang, baik kartu sim card maupun modem yang sudah perpasang pada komputer. maka ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk melakukan setting pada modem venus.
1. Jalankan aplikasi modem venus, maka akan muncul seperti pada gambar dibawah ini.
2. Selanjutnya klik pada menu setting,
3. Setelah masuk menu setting, pilih DUN profile untuk setting jaringan sesuai dengan kartu yang anda gunakan. Anda tinggal memilih jenis layanan yang anda pakai, apakah menggunakan kartu flexi, smart, esia maupun star one kemudia pilih set as default.
4. Jika anda ingin menambahkan jenis layanan jaringan dari operator yang baru, anda bisa klik menu NEW untuk menambahkan konfigurasi yang baru.
5. Jika anda ingin setting dns maupun ip address, anda klik pilihan operator yang anda gunakan dan pilih advanced settings pada menu bagian bawah.
Semoga artikel sederhana ini bisa bermanfaat ...
Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013
Langkah Install Modem Venus
Modem Venus adalah USB modem dengan menggunakan kartu CDMA sebagai penyedia layanan jaringannya. dengan modem ini anda bisa berselancar didunia maya tanpa batas dengan menggunakan paket sesuai dengan kartu yang anda gunakan. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan berbagi tentang langkah instalasi modem venus.
Langkah installasi modem venus sebenarnya sangat sederhana, kita tinggal menancapkan modem venus kita kedalam komputer kemudian modem akan mendeteksi atau plug and play sehingga kita tinggal mengkuti langkah-langkahnya saja. Akan tetapi untuk kawan-kawan yang masih bingung disini saya akan mengulas langkah-langkah instalasi modem venus.
1. Tancapkan modem ke dalam komputer anda, biarkan komputer mendeteksi secara plug and play, kemudian klik run setup.exe
2. Selanjutnya akan muncul jendela setup pada komuter anda, kemudian klik NEXT
3. Selanjutnya anda akan dibawa pada pilihan lokasi instalasi, untuk defaultnya biasanya pada drive C. kemudian klik NEXT
4. Kemudian anda akan diminta untuk penempatan menu folder, untuk lebih mudahnya jangan merubah apapun langsung klik NEXT untuk langkah selanjutnya.
5. Selanjutnya anda akan dibawa ke jendela baru, Klik INSTALL untuk memulai instalasi.
6. Tunggu proses instalasi sampai selesai.
7. Klik FINISH untuk mengakhiri proses instalasi.
Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat ....
Langkah installasi modem venus sebenarnya sangat sederhana, kita tinggal menancapkan modem venus kita kedalam komputer kemudian modem akan mendeteksi atau plug and play sehingga kita tinggal mengkuti langkah-langkahnya saja. Akan tetapi untuk kawan-kawan yang masih bingung disini saya akan mengulas langkah-langkah instalasi modem venus.
1. Tancapkan modem ke dalam komputer anda, biarkan komputer mendeteksi secara plug and play, kemudian klik run setup.exe
2. Selanjutnya akan muncul jendela setup pada komuter anda, kemudian klik NEXT
3. Selanjutnya anda akan dibawa pada pilihan lokasi instalasi, untuk defaultnya biasanya pada drive C. kemudian klik NEXT
4. Kemudian anda akan diminta untuk penempatan menu folder, untuk lebih mudahnya jangan merubah apapun langsung klik NEXT untuk langkah selanjutnya.
5. Selanjutnya anda akan dibawa ke jendela baru, Klik INSTALL untuk memulai instalasi.
6. Tunggu proses instalasi sampai selesai.
7. Klik FINISH untuk mengakhiri proses instalasi.
Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat ....
Kamis, 19 Desember 2013
Cara mengembalikan file yang di hidden virus
Virus memang sangat mengganggu, kadang virus menduplikasi dirinya sehingga menjadi banyak dan menyebar dan tersimpan di dalam komputer yang mengakibatkan kapasitas memori menjadi penuh. Virus juga bisa menghilangkan file atau folder (hidden), sehingga file yang semula ada menjadi hilang. Untuk itu pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana cara mengembalikan file/folder yang disembunyikan atau di hidden oleh virus.
Pada cara ini saya menggunakan cara yang paling mudah yaitu dengan mengggunakan anti virus smadav. karena smadav selain ringan juga mampu mendeteksi beberapa virus. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah mengembalikan file yang di hidden virus dengan smadav.
1. Klik kanan pada flashdisk atau folder yang ada file yang terhidden
2. Pilih scan with smadav
3. Langkah selanjunya smadav akan melakukan proses scanning untuk mendeteksi flashdisk atau folder pada komputer anda.
4. Kemudian perhatikan pada tabel scanning smadav, jika ada detected =>..... maka ada virus pada komputer anda dan jika ada hidden =>.... maka ada file yang terhidden, untuk itu klik pada detail untuk mengembalikan file yang di hidden.
5. Selanjutnya pilih menu hidden, maka disana anda akan menemukan file-file pada komputer anda yang di hidden oleh virus.
5. Centang semua file yang di hidden dengan mencentang select all pada pojok kanan, kemudian pilih unhidden all
Selamat anda sudah mengembalikan file yang telah terhidden oleh virus, selamat mencoba dan semoga bisa bermanfaat ....
Pada cara ini saya menggunakan cara yang paling mudah yaitu dengan mengggunakan anti virus smadav. karena smadav selain ringan juga mampu mendeteksi beberapa virus. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah mengembalikan file yang di hidden virus dengan smadav.
1. Klik kanan pada flashdisk atau folder yang ada file yang terhidden
2. Pilih scan with smadav
3. Langkah selanjunya smadav akan melakukan proses scanning untuk mendeteksi flashdisk atau folder pada komputer anda.
4. Kemudian perhatikan pada tabel scanning smadav, jika ada detected =>..... maka ada virus pada komputer anda dan jika ada hidden =>.... maka ada file yang terhidden, untuk itu klik pada detail untuk mengembalikan file yang di hidden.
5. Selanjutnya pilih menu hidden, maka disana anda akan menemukan file-file pada komputer anda yang di hidden oleh virus.
5. Centang semua file yang di hidden dengan mencentang select all pada pojok kanan, kemudian pilih unhidden all
Selamat anda sudah mengembalikan file yang telah terhidden oleh virus, selamat mencoba dan semoga bisa bermanfaat ....
Minggu, 08 Desember 2013
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Sales
Contoh surat lamaran kerja sales berikut ini bisa menjadi contoh surat lamaran kerja untuk Anda yang ahli dalam dunia pemasaran atau duni marketing. Memang untuk menguasai pasaran, kita membutuhkan strategi marketing yang handal. Tentu saja kita harus menguasai tata bahasa yang baik dan benar. Selain itu juga semangat kerja keras yang pantang menyerah untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal.
Posisi sales marketing merupakan posisi yang sangat penting dalam sebuah perusahaan dagang atau perusahaan jasa. Karena posisi ini merupakan ujung tombak yang menentukan kelangsungan perusahaan tersebut. Mungkin bagi sebagian orang posisi ini merupakan posisi yang kurang diminati, namun jika kita berusaha dan bersungguh-sungguh, maka kita akan mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan.
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Sales
Jika Anda tertarik untuk melamar pada posisi ini, bisa melihat contoh surat lamaran berikut ini sebagai referensi untuk membuat surat lamaran yang baik dan benar.
Banyuwangi, 26 April 2013
Kepada Yth.
Kepala Bagian Personalia
PT. Dian Pratama Mandiri
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No.43
Perihal : Lamaran Pekerjaan
Dengan hormat,Berdasarkan informasi adanya lowongan pekerjaan sesuai dengan iklan di harian Radar Banyuwangi tanggal 24 April 2013, dengan ini saya mengajukan diri untuk posisi SR (Sales Representative).Saya telah lulus dari SMAN 1 Genteng, Banyuwangi pada tahun 2006, dan saat ini sedang menyelesaikan semester terakhir kuliah malam (Extension Program) program Diploma 3 jurusan Manajemen Pemasaran di Universitas Jember. Saya memiliki kendaraan bermotor sendiri, telah mempunyai SIM C, dan dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik secara lisan maupun tulisan.
Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, dalam surat lamarana ini saya lampirkan:
- 1 lembar salinan ijazah terakhir
- 1 lembar salinan sertifikat kursus pendidikan bahasa Inggris tingkat menengah
- 1 lembar foto berwarna 4x6
Besar harapan kami agar Bapak/Ibu dapat memberikan kesempatan wawancara, sehingga saya dapat menunjukkan potensi diri saya secara lebih rinci.
Hormat saya,
Zabir Al Ahsan
Masih banyak lagi posisi lowongan kerja yang bisa Anda coba. Salah satunya Anda bisa melihat contoh surat lamaran kerja kurir sebagai alternatif lain dalam membuat surat lamaran kerja. Semoga contoh surat lamaran kerja sales diatas bermanfaat.
Rabu, 04 Desember 2013
Link Popularity Building Recommendation for Competitive Keywords
Link Popularity Building Recommendation for Competitive Keywords:
Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing to your site, from other sites on the web. The Search Engines consider your site important and rank it higher if several other sites link to your site. In order to rank well for particular keywords, it is important to have the support of both on-page as well as off-page factors. On-page factors such as SEO helps increase the webpage ‘relevance’, which involve various factors like code optimization, content optimization, website architecture analysis etc. Off-page factors such as incoming links from other sites helps leverage Anchor Text and PageRank increase which result in increasing the ‘importance’ of your website.
In other words, your site will rank high if search engines consider your site Relevant & Important for given search terms.
Both Link Popularity and SEO go hand in hand and play a complimentary role in having your site ranked high in search engines.
It is possible to optimize a website for less competitive keyword phrases and achieve decent rankings. However, if you select highly competitive keyword phrases for your site ranking, SEO alone cannot get the desired rankings. It is important to have the off-page factors (incoming links) working in your favor, in order to achieve the top rankings. The number of ‘incoming’ links that you would need can vary from keyword to keyword. Our experts can study the competition of link-backs for each keyword and recommend you a suitable link building campaign. We usually recommend the link building campaign specifications after our keyword research stage when you have selected the final keywords.
SEORank offers the most advanced link building services available today. We have a large highly skilled team and advanced applications developed in-house to approach sites for establishing and monitoring links to your site.
We strongly recommend you to study the following articles on the subject –
PageRank Explained -
Building Link Popularity -
Anchor Text Optimization -
When can you see Results:
Since search engines index/re-index the optimized site in 4-12 weeks. Some search engines like Google crawl your site more frequently if your PageRank is higher. Realistically, you can expect to see results starting 4-6 weeks after submission. Indexing, re-indexing shuffle also takes some time to settle down. Rankings usually stabilize after about two months. However, your traffic rises continuously since more and more search engines index more and more optimized pages of your website. Some search engines index your site quickly if you are willing to pay their ‘Express Inclusion’ or ‘Pay for Inclusion’ fee.
Offering SEO-guarantees is one of the biggest scams you can find in the SEO industry. It is not possible for any one to guarantee you a particular ranking on any search engine. We have studied the guarantees of several of our competitors and they are usually contaminated with one or more of the following:
•Guarantees are fulfilled even if your site ranks for obscure / undefined set of keywords, your site would rank with anyways. However, since few people are searching with these keywords, you do not get any significant traffic to your site.
•Guarantees are fulfilled even if your site ranks on obscure / unknown search engines with a small database, which do not get good traffic in the first place.
•Guarantees are appear sensible but are actually highly conditional, giving enough door to the SEO provider.
•The SEO provider is unavailable when you want to ‘encash’ their unconditional, money-back guarantees, often operating with fake addresses.
•Deploy unethical or search engine banned techniques, which may get your site ranked highly for a brief period but will eventually get your site banned from search engines permanently.
If you are coming across such guarantees, be cautious. Be very cautious. It is not possible to guarantee rankings on search engines. Google and most other search engines clearly state this on their website.
See -
In the absence of genuine guarantees, the best way to assess the credentials of an SEO providers is to check their past performance and ask for client referrals.
Please ensure that the keywords they show high rankings with are actually ‘searched for’ keywords in Not some obscure terms like ‘antarctica pizzahut’
SEORank takes pride in practicing the most ethical business practices and techniques in SEO industry. We also take pride in our impressive track record of performance and clients who will be more than happy to share their experiences with you. Please see below for information on both –
Case Studies:
Please visit the Url to read some of our case studies.
Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing to your site, from other sites on the web. The Search Engines consider your site important and rank it higher if several other sites link to your site. In order to rank well for particular keywords, it is important to have the support of both on-page as well as off-page factors. On-page factors such as SEO helps increase the webpage ‘relevance’, which involve various factors like code optimization, content optimization, website architecture analysis etc. Off-page factors such as incoming links from other sites helps leverage Anchor Text and PageRank increase which result in increasing the ‘importance’ of your website.
In other words, your site will rank high if search engines consider your site Relevant & Important for given search terms.
Both Link Popularity and SEO go hand in hand and play a complimentary role in having your site ranked high in search engines.
It is possible to optimize a website for less competitive keyword phrases and achieve decent rankings. However, if you select highly competitive keyword phrases for your site ranking, SEO alone cannot get the desired rankings. It is important to have the off-page factors (incoming links) working in your favor, in order to achieve the top rankings. The number of ‘incoming’ links that you would need can vary from keyword to keyword. Our experts can study the competition of link-backs for each keyword and recommend you a suitable link building campaign. We usually recommend the link building campaign specifications after our keyword research stage when you have selected the final keywords.
SEORank offers the most advanced link building services available today. We have a large highly skilled team and advanced applications developed in-house to approach sites for establishing and monitoring links to your site.
We strongly recommend you to study the following articles on the subject –
PageRank Explained -
Building Link Popularity -
Anchor Text Optimization -
When can you see Results:
Since search engines index/re-index the optimized site in 4-12 weeks. Some search engines like Google crawl your site more frequently if your PageRank is higher. Realistically, you can expect to see results starting 4-6 weeks after submission. Indexing, re-indexing shuffle also takes some time to settle down. Rankings usually stabilize after about two months. However, your traffic rises continuously since more and more search engines index more and more optimized pages of your website. Some search engines index your site quickly if you are willing to pay their ‘Express Inclusion’ or ‘Pay for Inclusion’ fee.
Offering SEO-guarantees is one of the biggest scams you can find in the SEO industry. It is not possible for any one to guarantee you a particular ranking on any search engine. We have studied the guarantees of several of our competitors and they are usually contaminated with one or more of the following:
•Guarantees are fulfilled even if your site ranks for obscure / undefined set of keywords, your site would rank with anyways. However, since few people are searching with these keywords, you do not get any significant traffic to your site.
•Guarantees are fulfilled even if your site ranks on obscure / unknown search engines with a small database, which do not get good traffic in the first place.
•Guarantees are appear sensible but are actually highly conditional, giving enough door to the SEO provider.
•The SEO provider is unavailable when you want to ‘encash’ their unconditional, money-back guarantees, often operating with fake addresses.
•Deploy unethical or search engine banned techniques, which may get your site ranked highly for a brief period but will eventually get your site banned from search engines permanently.
If you are coming across such guarantees, be cautious. Be very cautious. It is not possible to guarantee rankings on search engines. Google and most other search engines clearly state this on their website.
See -
In the absence of genuine guarantees, the best way to assess the credentials of an SEO providers is to check their past performance and ask for client referrals.
Please ensure that the keywords they show high rankings with are actually ‘searched for’ keywords in Not some obscure terms like ‘antarctica pizzahut’
SEORank takes pride in practicing the most ethical business practices and techniques in SEO industry. We also take pride in our impressive track record of performance and clients who will be more than happy to share their experiences with you. Please see below for information on both –
Case Studies:
Please visit the Url to read some of our case studies.
Keyword Research Process
Our Keyword Research Process
In order to select appropriate keywords, our keyword research process involves the following steps:
1. Based on the Industry specific keywords, the keywords provided by client in the questionnaire and popular keywords with competitors, we conduct an exhaustive keyword research.
We work on selecting keywords from two aspects: One - the client's recommendation of keywords and second (and mostly our main focus) - the actual search pattern.
Example: While carrying out Keyword research for a website selling speakers, we start with the most basic keyword, e.g. "speaker" or "audio" & extract lists of keywords (approx. 500 keywords for each main keyword we take up) that contain these terms. We then remove keywords which are not relevant to the website like “Professional Speaker for Entrepreneurship”.
2. In our next step, we select the most relevant keywords for the website which have good search volume (meaning the number of searches made for that keyword) and find out the competition for those keywords.
Then, based on client’s choice (whether they would be investing in Link popularity building or not), we select up to 100 most appropriate keywords for the website.
The 100 keywords are divided into the following five types of keywords:
•Long-Term Generic Keywords: Total of about 20 keywords (10 main keywords +10 plurals & other variations)
This would a list of searched for keywords that are very generic in nature but important for the business. All such keywords are very competitive and require support from link popularity for high rankings. You may or may not want to take link-building support for them, but they would be included in the optimization process. However, please don’t expect high rankings to be achieved for these keywords without link building support.
Example of such long-term generic keywords:
Speaker Selling Company: Speakers, Home theatre.
Website selling Health Products or medication: Online Pharmacy, Health supplements
Educational Programs: Online Education, Study Aboard.
•Primary Keywords: Total of about 30 keywords (15 main keywords +15 plurals & other variations)
This would be a list of all searched for keywords that the website would be primarily optimized for. Less generic in nature, these keywords also require less support from link building in order to rank high.
Speaker Selling Company: Ceiling Speakers, Cabinet Speakers.
Website selling Health Products or medication: Protein health supplements.
Educational Programs: online distant post graduation.
•Focused Traffic Keywords: (15 main keywords +15 plurals & other variations)
This list of such searched for keywords would include all such keywords that bring targeted traffic to the website.
Speaker Selling Company: Wireless Stereo Speakers, Fiberglass speaker boxes.
Website selling Health Products or medication: Canadian pharmacy online.
Educational Programs: Distant post graduation program Boston.
•High Potential Keywords: (10 main keywords +10 plurals & other variations)
List of all such searched for keywords that are very specific in nature and have very less competition.
Speaker Selling Company: Pyle pasw15 stage speaker cabinet, 14 gauge speaker wire.
Website selling Health Products or medication: health bodybuilding supplements.
Educational Programs: Boston University Entrepreneurship degree.
Many times, misspelled keywords have high search counts and also are a source of good traffic for websites. We would be researching and looking into any such high potential keywords which we may find.
Hyperhydrosis (Correct spellings: Hyperhidrosis).
Louis vutton (Correct Spellings: Louis vuitton).
Pevy Speakers (Correct Spellings: Peavy Speakers).
Add-on Services:
Apart from the Basic SEO plan, we also offer additional services to customize individual requirements:
Additional Unique Keyword Phrase: $25
Additional Web Page Optimization: $25
Creative Content Writing: $100 per article
(600 – 800 words each article.
Includes page optimization)
Live Keyword Popularity Test: $50 + actual PPC expense
(Using Google AdWords campaign)
Dynamic site optimization: $200
(Additional time spent in preparing optimization
documents and coordination with your web developer)
Design or Programming Resources: $16 per man-hour
(if required)
Monthly SEO Maintenance Contract: $250 per month
The above terms are explained in detail below:
Additional Keyword Phrase:
Our Basic SEO Program includes optimization for 100 unique keyword phrases including plurals and variation of the final selected keyword. However, in case you would like to optimize your website for more unique keyword phrases, you may choose to do so at additional cost.
Additional Webpage:
The Basic SEO Program covers optimization of up to 15 webpages (static or dynamic) in a website. Apart from this, we prepare the 404-error page and creation of an optimized site-map page if none exists. If you would like to get more pages of your website optimized, you may specify additional number of webpages.
Creative Content Writing:
Apart from SEO copywriting (copy optimization) of your existing web pages, we also provide creative content writing services. We always encourage our clients to have a lot of content on their website to make it “search engine-philic”. Content may be in form of articles, additional information, product/service details etc.
Many times, websites do not have enough content on their webpages so as to accommodate all the keywords or the web pages do not have focused topics to fully utilize the keyword potential. In such a case, we recommend creation of highly informative article creation. Creative content writing includes article creation of about 700 words, focused on specific topics and keyword phrases. Our expert copywriters research your industry to prepare good content that not only help optimization for the search engines but also offers great reference content for the site visitors.
Static Site:
Since your website is static in nature, we can carry out the implementation of the optimized code on your website. We'll upload the optimized pages on a demo location on your server and only overwrite them on your website once you approve them. However, before making the changes live on your website, we would be take a backup of the existing pages before code replacement. Alternately, we can supply you with optimized pages and you can ask your web developer to replace them on your site.
Monthly SEO Maintenance Contract:
Search Engine Optimization is not a one-time solution. Search engine ranking is an ever-changing, dynamic environment. The prominent factors affecting site rank fluctuations are –
•More competing sites are launched on the net each day
•More competitors update their sites and optimize them better
•Search engine algorithms keep changing
•Search term keyword patterns keep changing
•Fresh content may be added to your site from time-to-time
We offer our monthly maintenance services to address the above issues. Our efforts are to sustain highly ranking pages and keywords, while re-working on keywords and pages, which are under-performing. Please ask for the full scope of our monthly maintenance services.
In order to select appropriate keywords, our keyword research process involves the following steps:
1. Based on the Industry specific keywords, the keywords provided by client in the questionnaire and popular keywords with competitors, we conduct an exhaustive keyword research.
We work on selecting keywords from two aspects: One - the client's recommendation of keywords and second (and mostly our main focus) - the actual search pattern.
Example: While carrying out Keyword research for a website selling speakers, we start with the most basic keyword, e.g. "speaker" or "audio" & extract lists of keywords (approx. 500 keywords for each main keyword we take up) that contain these terms. We then remove keywords which are not relevant to the website like “Professional Speaker for Entrepreneurship”.
2. In our next step, we select the most relevant keywords for the website which have good search volume (meaning the number of searches made for that keyword) and find out the competition for those keywords.
Then, based on client’s choice (whether they would be investing in Link popularity building or not), we select up to 100 most appropriate keywords for the website.
The 100 keywords are divided into the following five types of keywords:
•Long-Term Generic Keywords: Total of about 20 keywords (10 main keywords +10 plurals & other variations)
This would a list of searched for keywords that are very generic in nature but important for the business. All such keywords are very competitive and require support from link popularity for high rankings. You may or may not want to take link-building support for them, but they would be included in the optimization process. However, please don’t expect high rankings to be achieved for these keywords without link building support.
Example of such long-term generic keywords:
Speaker Selling Company: Speakers, Home theatre.
Website selling Health Products or medication: Online Pharmacy, Health supplements
Educational Programs: Online Education, Study Aboard.
•Primary Keywords: Total of about 30 keywords (15 main keywords +15 plurals & other variations)
This would be a list of all searched for keywords that the website would be primarily optimized for. Less generic in nature, these keywords also require less support from link building in order to rank high.
Speaker Selling Company: Ceiling Speakers, Cabinet Speakers.
Website selling Health Products or medication: Protein health supplements.
Educational Programs: online distant post graduation.
•Focused Traffic Keywords: (15 main keywords +15 plurals & other variations)
This list of such searched for keywords would include all such keywords that bring targeted traffic to the website.
Speaker Selling Company: Wireless Stereo Speakers, Fiberglass speaker boxes.
Website selling Health Products or medication: Canadian pharmacy online.
Educational Programs: Distant post graduation program Boston.
•High Potential Keywords: (10 main keywords +10 plurals & other variations)
List of all such searched for keywords that are very specific in nature and have very less competition.
Speaker Selling Company: Pyle pasw15 stage speaker cabinet, 14 gauge speaker wire.
Website selling Health Products or medication: health bodybuilding supplements.
Educational Programs: Boston University Entrepreneurship degree.
Many times, misspelled keywords have high search counts and also are a source of good traffic for websites. We would be researching and looking into any such high potential keywords which we may find.
Hyperhydrosis (Correct spellings: Hyperhidrosis).
Louis vutton (Correct Spellings: Louis vuitton).
Pevy Speakers (Correct Spellings: Peavy Speakers).
Add-on Services:
Apart from the Basic SEO plan, we also offer additional services to customize individual requirements:
Additional Unique Keyword Phrase: $25
Additional Web Page Optimization: $25
Creative Content Writing: $100 per article
(600 – 800 words each article.
Includes page optimization)
Live Keyword Popularity Test: $50 + actual PPC expense
(Using Google AdWords campaign)
Dynamic site optimization: $200
(Additional time spent in preparing optimization
documents and coordination with your web developer)
Design or Programming Resources: $16 per man-hour
(if required)
Monthly SEO Maintenance Contract: $250 per month
The above terms are explained in detail below:
Additional Keyword Phrase:
Our Basic SEO Program includes optimization for 100 unique keyword phrases including plurals and variation of the final selected keyword. However, in case you would like to optimize your website for more unique keyword phrases, you may choose to do so at additional cost.
Additional Webpage:
The Basic SEO Program covers optimization of up to 15 webpages (static or dynamic) in a website. Apart from this, we prepare the 404-error page and creation of an optimized site-map page if none exists. If you would like to get more pages of your website optimized, you may specify additional number of webpages.
Creative Content Writing:
Apart from SEO copywriting (copy optimization) of your existing web pages, we also provide creative content writing services. We always encourage our clients to have a lot of content on their website to make it “search engine-philic”. Content may be in form of articles, additional information, product/service details etc.
Many times, websites do not have enough content on their webpages so as to accommodate all the keywords or the web pages do not have focused topics to fully utilize the keyword potential. In such a case, we recommend creation of highly informative article creation. Creative content writing includes article creation of about 700 words, focused on specific topics and keyword phrases. Our expert copywriters research your industry to prepare good content that not only help optimization for the search engines but also offers great reference content for the site visitors.
Static Site:
Since your website is static in nature, we can carry out the implementation of the optimized code on your website. We'll upload the optimized pages on a demo location on your server and only overwrite them on your website once you approve them. However, before making the changes live on your website, we would be take a backup of the existing pages before code replacement. Alternately, we can supply you with optimized pages and you can ask your web developer to replace them on your site.
Monthly SEO Maintenance Contract:
Search Engine Optimization is not a one-time solution. Search engine ranking is an ever-changing, dynamic environment. The prominent factors affecting site rank fluctuations are –
•More competing sites are launched on the net each day
•More competitors update their sites and optimize them better
•Search engine algorithms keep changing
•Search term keyword patterns keep changing
•Fresh content may be added to your site from time-to-time
We offer our monthly maintenance services to address the above issues. Our efforts are to sustain highly ranking pages and keywords, while re-working on keywords and pages, which are under-performing. Please ask for the full scope of our monthly maintenance services.
Full Featured SEO Program ( SEO Program )
Full Featured SEO Program
At SEORank, we believe that each website poses unique challenges and therefore requires a customized SEO strategy to get best results. The varying dynamics of your industry segment, competition, business focus, product offerings, pricing, brand positioning, USP, target audience, geographical location / service reach, depth of your site content and your promotional budgets make it impossible to devise a ‘one size fits all’ SEO solution.
It is with this view that our experts have devised a flexible SEO program that can be customized to suit individual needs. Sometimes, our clients wish to start at a basic SEO level and prefer to increase the intensity as they begin to reap the benefits of enhanced ranking, traffic and revenues. Other times, they choose to go full steam right from the start not only to get bigger results early but also to corner a larger market share and lead the competition. We shall help you define your SEO roadmap and strategy based on your budgets and campaign objectives.
Our SEO services are structured into several processes and techniques. Each process is designed by our experts after extensive research on search engine behavior and experience in the SEO industry. The option to add-on modular services mentioned below will help you customize the SEO roadmap based on your campaign objectives. Our Basic SEO program covers the following processes and techniques –
1. Initial site analysis including PageRank, link-popularity & search engine saturation analysis and discussion with client about the website, content analysis, target audience, products, challenges, etc.
2. Search Engine Friendliness Analysis with special focus on crawler friendliness, site design, navigation, HTML code and file name analysis.
3. Keyword Research and Competition Analysis.
4. SEO copy optimization for existing content of the site including Title Tag, Headlines, sub-headlines, body copy and Anchor text with up to 100 unique keyword phrases (including plurals and variations) for up to 15 web pages.
5. Site Code Optimization (up to 15 pages) of the site including Meta Tags, Alt Text, Title Attributes, robots.txt file and JavaScript with up to 100 unique keyword phrases (including plurals and variations) for up to 15 web pages.
6. Pre-optimization and post-optimization hand-submissions of the Home Page and Site Map to major free search engines and directories. See the complete list of search engines we submit to at -
7. Pre-optimization and post-optimization site ranking report.
1. Initial site analysis including PageRank, link-popularity & search engine saturation analysis and discussion with client about the website, content analysis, target audience, products, challenges, etc.
2. Search Engine Friendliness Analysis with special focus on crawler friendliness, site design, navigation, HTML code and file name analysis.
3. Keyword Research and Competition Analysis.
4. SEO copy optimization for existing content of the site including Title Tag, Headlines, sub-headlines, body copy and Anchor text with up to 100 unique keyword phrases (including plurals and variations) for up to 15 web pages.
5. Site Code Optimization (up to 15 pages) of the site including Meta Tags, Alt Text, Title Attributes, robots.txt file and JavaScript with up to 100 unique keyword phrases (including plurals and variations) for up to 15 web pages.
6. Pre-optimization and post-optimization hand-submissions of the Home Page and Site Map to major free search engines and directories. See the complete list of search engines we submit to at -
7. Pre-optimization and post-optimization site ranking report.
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